Thursday, April 4, 2013

Comparative Of Religion Islam #2 Kompren Example

Examiners: Mr. Safrilsyah 

Comparative Of Religion Islam #2 Kompren Example

- Ritual:
Circumcision: Circumcision is a language means cut. In terminological meaning cutting the skin covering the male genitalia (penis). In Islam, circumcision is one of self purification media and proof of our submission to the teachings of religion.

Benefits of circumcision: As expressed by medical experts that circumcision has health benefits for members of the body for wasting the hiding place of dirt, viruses, unclean and bad odor. Urine contains all the elements. When it comes out through the skin that covers the genitals, the sewage sludge is partially restrained by the skin. The longer the sediment is more and more. You can imagine how long someone did pee in a day and how much sediment deposited by genital skin cover in a year. Therefore, some medical studies prove that people with venereal disease more than kelangan are not circumcised. Likewise dangerous disease AIDS, genital cancer and cervical cancer even more also suffered by couples who are not circumcised. It's also one reason non-Muslims in Europe and the U.S. do circumcision.

Time circumcision: When circumcision is compulsory when the Hero, because that's when mandatory praying. Without circumcision, prayer is not perfect because the saint who is praying legitimate requirement will not be fulfilled. The Sunnah is the time before the Hero. While time endeavor (a good option to be implemented) is the seventh day seytelah born, or 40 days after birth, or even encouraged at the age of 7 years. Qadli Husain said should undergo a circumcision at age 10 because at that time the child begins ordered prayers. Ibn al-Mundhir said that circumcision at the age of 7 days makruh ruling because it is the Jewish tradition, but there is a history that the Messenger of Allah menghitan Hasan and Husayn, the grandson of him at the age of 7 days, so Abraham is said to circumcise his son Isaac at the age of 7 days.

Tahlilan: To commemorate the day of death. Taken together, assembled relatives, taulan companion, along with the surrounding community, read a few verses of the Qur'an, dhikr-remembrance, and with a certain prayer-prayer to send to the deceased. Because of the reading material contained sentences that are repeated tahlil (hundreds of times even up to a thousand times), then the event is known as the "tahlilan". The event is usually held after the funeral (sometimes done before the burial deceased), then continues each day until the seventh day. Then held back on day 40 and to 100. For the next event is held every year from the day of death of the deceased, although sometimes vary from place to place. The beginning of the event comes from a ceremony of worship (read: salvation) ancestors of Indonesia where the majority Hindu and Buddhist. The ceremony was in honor and pray for those who have renounced the world, held at the time as a tahlilan. But events on the ground tahlilan practically different from other religious procession salvation is by replacing the dhikr-remembrance and prayer-the prayer of other religions-style reading of the Qur'an, or dhikr-remembrance and prayer-do ' a style of Islam according to them.

- Scripture:
Al-Quran and Hadith.

- Accessories, place of worship, Symbol:
Mosque, cap, headscarf, the crescent and star.

Continued to Chatolic Of Religion...