Showing posts with label Islam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Islam. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Lagi Video Hina Umat Islam

Rakaman video individu berbaju Melayu menyambut Aidilfitri bersama anjing.

Kuala Lumpur: Satu rakaman video yang menular dalam internet memaparkan seorang individu yang menyambut Aidilfitri bersama anjing mencetuskan kontroversi dan kemarahan umat Islam.

Video itu yang menggunakan latar bunyi takbir raya menunjukkan individu terbabit menyambut Aidilfitri bersama tiga anjingnya.

Babak sensitif dan menghina Islam dalam video berkenaan bermula dengan aksi individu berkenaan memakai baju Melayu hitam membasuh kaki seekor anjingnya dan kakinya sendiri seolah-olah berwuduk.

Individu terbabit kemudian meletakkan biskut raya di atas meja untuk dimakan tiga anjingnya.

Video berkenaan yang diakhiri dengan pesanan ‘Raikanlah Aidilfitri Bersama-sama Tanpa Mengira Spesies, Warna dan Asal-Usul’ yang merujuk kepada manusia dan anjing.

Tinjauan BH di laman sosial Facebook mendapati video itu disebarkan secara meluas dan mendapat pelbagai reaksi rakyat Malaysia.

Tindakan tegas
Bekas Yang Dipertua Yayasan Dakwah Islamiah Malaysia (YADIM), Datuk Nakhaie Ahmad, berkata perbuatan itu perlu dikenakan tindakan tegas.

“Tindakan beliau memaparkan sambutan Aidilfitri bersama anjing boleh mengelirukan umat Islam, walaupun ada mazhab membenar umat Islam membela anjing, namun dalam konteks negara kita, ia tidak sepatutnya berlaku.

“Kita perlu ada fatwa yang jelas tidak boleh buat sesuka hati, perbuatan ini jelas biadap,” katanya ketika dihubungi di sini, semalam.

Video Hina umat Islam

Apabila tiada tindakan tegas dari Kerajaan? beginilah yang bakal berlaku berterusan sampailah suatu hari nanti Islam yang sebenar muncul dan berakhirlah dunia yang fana ini.

Ape cerita dengan kontroversi Alvivi? masalah yang terkait dengan hal peribadi, menyangkut sensitiviti masyarakat beragama, kenape mesti nak hancurkan kedamaian yang dah sedia ada?

Bagi saye, pemerintah kene ambil tindakan tegas terhadap masalah sebegini. Bukan takde ulama atau pemikir Islam di Malaysia, semua hebat-hebat dan banyak ilmu.. tapi tak berani membenarkan apa yang benar.

Itulah realiti yang berlaku di bumi Malaysia sekarang, jangan pejam mata atau pekakkan telinga dengan hal sebegini. Kite perlu tahu secara tidak langsung hal begini telah membabitkan diri kite dan setiap individu masyarakat Malaysia.

Anda boleh menilai setelah melihat video di atas, walaupun saye bukanlah seorang yang pandai dalam ilmu agama, tapi sebagai seorang yang beragama Islam, saya boleh rasakan adanya ketidak sesuaian dari video yang dirakam oleh individu tesebut yang lebih dikenali sebagai Chetz.

Kalau kita peka dengan apa yang terjadi di Mesir dan Syria, kenapa tidak di Negara kita sendiri? ntah-ntah ini adalah pembukaan Negara Malaysia bakal menjadi seperti Mesir? نعوذ بالله من ذلك

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Kelantan dituduh tiada air tapi yang terseksa rakyat Kuantan

Hah aku rase aku patut share satu artikel yang rasenye best untuk dibace dan diketahui semue.. keh3.. gajah depan mata pon boleh tak nampak, dah cari semut. Huish aku pon tak paham.. yelah, gajah depan mate, tapi tetap jugak nak carik semut.. dan.. nape bile tanye "Weh.. ade nampak tak gajah?" boleh slmber je mereka menjawap "Aik tak nampak pon?" padahal gajah depan mate (^_^)

Kelantan dituduh tiada air tapi yang terseksa rakyat Kuantan

Kelantan dituduh tiada air tapi yang terseksa rakyat Kuantan

Kelantan sering dituduh melalui mendia arus perdana sebagai negeri yang gagal mengurus air bersih kepada rakyatnya sampaikan Najib Razak berjanji akan menyelesaikannya jika rakyat Kelantan menyerahkan amanah dan mandat kepada UMNO untuk memerintah Kelantan pada PRU 13 nanti..

Bila UMNO perintah Kelantan, semuanya akan menjadi beres dan tiada lagi timbul sebarang masalah.

Tapi Najib ni jenis tak tengok gajah depan mata sebab dok asyik mengintai kuman di seberang laut.

Dia lupa bahawa Kuantan sudah lebih 3 minggu dilanda gangguan air yang kritikal.

Rakyat Kuantan kini terpaksa beratur untuk dapat bekalan air bersih.

Kini sudah sampai buat demo dan hantar memo kepejabat Pengurusan Air Pahang Berhad semalam.

Kepada Najib, sebelum menuduh dan buka mulut kena tengok dulu negeri sendiri punya keadaan.


Saturday, April 6, 2013

PRU-13 Dan Buku Jingga

PRU-13 Dan Buku Jingga

Insyaallah PRU-13 terlaksana pada hujung bulan 4 nih.. hmm, hg vote ape dud? of kos lah PAS. Kenape mesti PAS? nape tak PAKATAN ke? UMNO ke? saye sokong mane-mane parti yang sebenarnye mengikut aturan Al-Quran dan As-Sunnah. Kalau UMNO mengikut sepertimane yang diajarkan Islam, maka secara automatiknye saye akan vote @ mengundi UMNO, dan begitu sebaliknye dengan PAS. Saye nampak PAS mengikut seperti mana yang Islam mahukan, jadi secara tertulisnye, saye akan mengikut PAS dan PAKATAN.

Saye ada sembang dengan may fater (Ayh i) tentang PRU-13 ni, so macam-macam lah hal bangkit, semua naik termasuklah bab Buku Jingga. Di bab Buku Jingga ni lah membuatkan saye rase nak carik tahu, sebab sebelum ni pernah jugak denga isu Buku Jingga nih, tapi rase sangat malas untuk amik tahu mengenainye (dah macam orang cine). Cari punye cari, lastly terjumpe jugak sorang blogger baik hati ni share Buku Jingga ni dalam 4 bahasa, tapi yang valid di Mediafire cume 2 je.

Mediafire memang problem dah macam UMMO.. upss! silap.. Mediafire memang macam ituh, nak menjaga lah konon nyer.. hik3.. sebenarnye itu lah yang terbaik. Berbalik pada Buku Jingga tadi, anda semua dah baca belum isi dalam Buku Jingga tu? kalau anda belum baca, saya sarankan anda download link yang saye sediakan kat bawah dan bace ape yang tertera dalam tuh. Jangan banyak komen kalau belum baca ye, baca dulu baru komen yerk!

Pilihan ada di tangan anda semua dan anda tahu ape yang anda buat dan ape yang dah terjadi di Malaysia sekarang ni, jangan tipu saye, walaupun saye di Aceh (dah balik pon), tapi insyaallah saye tahu isu semasa yang berlaku di Malaysia, jangan hanya kerana rm500 anda membuat keputusan yang tidak benar, dan pulak.. rm500 tu pon dapat masa PRU je, masa lain kalau apply mesti susah nak alert @ "nampak" keperluan kite tuh. Padahal dah berterabur dokumen atas meja, boleh buat derk lagi? masalah tu masalah.. satu lagik, sekali buat silap, mesti penyesalan yang akan kite dapat.. undian kome berharga weh!~

Owh lupe pulak nak kasi Buku Jingga.. kat saye ada dua versi, satu Buku Jingga bahasa Melayu, satu lagik Buku Jingga bahasa Tamil, yang Buku Jingga Bahasa Inggeris dengan bahasa Buku Jingga Cina takde kat saye.. link download kat bawah yep :


Thursday, April 4, 2013

Buddhism Religion -Kompren Exampler-

Examiners: Mr. Safrilsyah

Buddhism Religion -Kompren Exampler-


Siddharta Gautama. 
Siddhartha Gautama was a spiritual teacher from the northeast region of India who is also the founder of Buddhism. He is fundamentally considered by followers of Buddhism as the Supreme Buddha (Supreme Buddha) at the present time. Time of his birth and death are uncertain: most historians of early 20th century life estimates between 563 BC to 483 BC.

 - Doctrine / Theology: 
Samsara or sangsara in Buddhism is a state of rebirth (rebirth) repeated endlessly. Besides Buddhism, samsara word is also found in Hinduism, Jainism, as well as several other related religions, and refers to the concept of reincarnation or rebirth in Indian philosophical tradition.

Paticca samuppada means Law Causes Dependent is one of the most important teachings of Buddhism. This doctrine states the existence of causality in the lives of all creatures, particularly humans. By analyzing and contemplating paticca Samuppada this, Siddhartha Gautama (who at the time was still a recluse) finally became enlightened Buddha.

- Ritual: 
Yeongsanjae:Yeongsanjae is a Buddhist ritual ceremony held at the Shrine Bongwon, Seoul, South Korea. Buddhism ceremony in trust is intended to give offerings to the Buddha that he leads men, both living and deceased towards peace and enlightenment. The ceremony was held at the bompae ritual chanting Buddhist sutras, followed by a dance ritual Nabichum, Barachum, Beobgochum and Tajuchum.Beompae ritual chant without the text was written and passed down orally. 

Beompae ritual consists of spells and geotchaebi anchabi. Anchabi are four Buddhist musical tones and low noise, while geotchaebi is long spell Nabichum (Butterfly Dance) is a dance performed by the nuns. The dancers are holding a paper peonies in one hand and wearing a headscarf and a long white robe. This dance symbolizes the transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly.

Barachum or Cymbal Dance is a dance performed by monks who plays the cymbals in rhythmic movements, followed by spells and play musical instruments. This dance symbolizes the cleansing and purification of the evil forces.
Beopgochum or Dance Beat drum dance performed was a monk who played a big drum in the temple. This dance symbolizes enlightenment is reached after leaving all worldly desires and suffering.

- Scripture:
1. Sutta (discourses, dialogue and question and answer), 2. Vinaya (rules for monks), 3. Abdhidahamma (philosophy, metaphysics and psychology Buddhism) 

- Accessories, place of worship, Symbol: 
Vihara TempleLotus flowers (purity and wisdom) 
Dharma Chakra (truth, reality)

Continued to Hinduisme.....

Christian Protestant -Kompren Exampler-

Examiners: Mr. Safrilsyah  

Christian Protestant -Kompren Exampler-

Martin Luther:

Martin Luther (born in Eisleben, Holy Roman Empire, 10 November 1483 - died in Eisleben, Holy Roman Empire, February 18, 1546 at the age of 62 years) was a German priest and a Christian theologian and founder of the Lutheran Church, a Protestant church, a fraction of the Catholic Rome. He was a prominent figure for the Reformation.

- Doctrine / Theology:
Sola Gratia:
In the heavenly salvation sola gratia we get is not the foundation of the Balance System based business, strength, ability, and power alone, but by faith (sola fide) and further confirmed by the apostle Paul in Ephesians 2:8-9 that heavenly salvation it is the gift / gift or grace of God (sola gratia).

Sola Fide:
Sola Fide is an understanding of faith that relies heavily on faith in Jesus Christ. Doctrine of faith is called Solafidianisme. This doctrine stems from the reform era in the 16th century, led by Martin Luther, John Calvin and Zwingli. Sola Fide teaches that man's salvation is only obtained from justification by faith alone. This doctrine is a reaction against the doctrine that emphasizes human salvation lies in doing good man.

In addition to teaching that emphasizes good deeds, it is also a critique of the pre-reformation of the Christian church that teaches that salvation only in the Church. One of them appears in the practice of confession in front of the church to buy Indulgences to pay to the church. The reformers found that human salvation is only by the grace of God, not by man. If man does good, it is just as response to God's love that has been present in the world in the human form of Jesus Christ. Humans have his sins forgiven if he was faithful to God in Jesus Christ.

- Ritual:

Baptism is known as Christian initiation ritual symbolizing the cleansing of sin. Baptism also symbolizes death with Jesus. With the entry into the water, the person baptized is symbolized dead. When he came out again from the water, it was described as a revival.

Baptism is done by water. However, there are various ways of baptism, depending on the denomination of the church. Of baptism is most commonly performed by sprinkling water on the head by a pastor (priest) or priests, who say the formula, "In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen."

The Roman Catholic Church and many Protestant Churches flow among practice infant baptism because they believe that Jesus invites children to come to him (cf. Mark 10:13-16, etc..). However, there are also churches that baptize only adults who had confessed to believe, for example, Pentecostal churches and the Baptist Church. Typically, these churches practice baptism by immersion. In this case, as a candidate for baptism pastor into a pond and a man who was baptized by immersion.

- Scripture:
Old Testament, the New Testament.

- Accessories, place of worship, Symbol:
Church, there is no cross in the middle of Jesus on the cross

Continued to Buddhist Religion Of ...

Comparative Of Religion Chatolic#2 Kompren Example

Example KOMPREN for Religions OF THE WORLD
Examiners: Mr. Safrilsyah 

Comparative Of Religion Chatolic#2 Kompren Example
- Ritual:
Easter day
Easter is the Christian belief that Jesus Christ was resurrected ("raised") on Sunday. Typically it is celebrated between late March and late April each year (early April to early May for Eastern Christians), according to the lunar cycle.

Before the celebration of Easter, Holy Week ("Holy Week") received by them and on the Friday before Easter is known as Good Friday is the day Jesus was crucified. On Palm Sunday ("Palm Sunday"), which marks the beginning of Holy Week, every believer will be given palm leaves that have been anointed by the priests.

Easter celebrations are known for giving colorful eggs that contain chocolate. The tradition of giving eggs are not actually Christian tradition but an ancient Greek tradition of celebrating the coming of spring. This festive season is usually celebrated with a lively accompanying joy left a bleak winter and freezing. Eggs are a symbol of fertility.

- Scriptures:
Old Testament, the New Testament.

- Accessories, place of worship, Symbol:
Church, The Cross in the middle there is Jesus on the cross.

Continued to Protestant Of Religion...

Comparative Of Religion Chatolic#1 Kompren Example

Example KOMPREN for Religions OF THE WORLD
Examiners: Mr. Safrilsyah
Comparative Of Religion Chatolic#1 Kompren Example
Saul / Paul:
His real name was Saul, was born in the land of Tarsus (Asia Keeil) approximately 2 years after Christ. Kerana Prophet Jesus was born in 6 BC, then Paul is about 8 years younger than the Prophet Jesus. Paul is the Latin name of Saul. His father was from the tribe of Benjamin, and incoming Jewry uterus, but in a foreign country with a conscientious works of the law. In Paul's time the city of Tarsus was an important trading town and crowded into the city crossing from East to Europe (Rom) commute. At that time in the city of Tarsus there is a Greek university, a number of temples of the gods, buildings comedy and other entertainment venues favored the Greeks. 
- Doctrine / Theology:

Confession is a sacrament in the Catholic Church Rom, in Indonesia this sacrament by Catholic followers at least once a year, this is according to the five precepts of the Church. In practice, the people of Indonesia, the Church opens greater opportunities confessional matter of time, but the events held mass before Christmas and Easter. Was carried out Sacrament for Catholics to feel prepared, primarily spiritually to welcome the Christmas or Easter. The technique of implementation confessions in Indonesia is not as practiced in western films in general, but we are given guidance on how such a text confession measures (often referred to as repent). The text contains a question about, the last time the power of repentance, sin will be recognized, and the repentance prayer texts, and the confidentiality of the confessional dialogue ceremony is guaranteed confidential. 
Eukaris or also known as the Lord's Supper, Holy Communion and the Sacrament Mazbah a sacrament (holy deeds) and the establishment of the Christian religion. He performed again in the direction of Jesus at the Last Supper as recorded in the New Testament a few pieces, to commemorate what he is doing when he gave his disciples bread, saying, "This is my body" and Wain as well, saying, "This is my blood "Determination of the Holy Eucharist occurs during the Last Supper described by St. Matthew as follows: "And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, gave thanks, broke it and gave it to his disciples and said: Take, eat, this is my body. ' After that he took the cup, gave thanks, and gave it to them and said: 'Drink ye all of this cup. For this is my blood, the blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. '"(Matt. 26:26-28). This important event was also recorded by St. Mark (Mk 14:22-24), St. Luke (Luke 22:17-20) and St. Paul (1 Cor 11:23-26). Christ's words of long ago to the present is always welcome in the true sense, and indeed by all Catholics.
 To Be Continued......

Comparative Of Religion Islam #2 Kompren Example

Examiners: Mr. Safrilsyah 

Comparative Of Religion Islam #2 Kompren Example

- Ritual:
Circumcision: Circumcision is a language means cut. In terminological meaning cutting the skin covering the male genitalia (penis). In Islam, circumcision is one of self purification media and proof of our submission to the teachings of religion.

Benefits of circumcision: As expressed by medical experts that circumcision has health benefits for members of the body for wasting the hiding place of dirt, viruses, unclean and bad odor. Urine contains all the elements. When it comes out through the skin that covers the genitals, the sewage sludge is partially restrained by the skin. The longer the sediment is more and more. You can imagine how long someone did pee in a day and how much sediment deposited by genital skin cover in a year. Therefore, some medical studies prove that people with venereal disease more than kelangan are not circumcised. Likewise dangerous disease AIDS, genital cancer and cervical cancer even more also suffered by couples who are not circumcised. It's also one reason non-Muslims in Europe and the U.S. do circumcision.

Time circumcision: When circumcision is compulsory when the Hero, because that's when mandatory praying. Without circumcision, prayer is not perfect because the saint who is praying legitimate requirement will not be fulfilled. The Sunnah is the time before the Hero. While time endeavor (a good option to be implemented) is the seventh day seytelah born, or 40 days after birth, or even encouraged at the age of 7 years. Qadli Husain said should undergo a circumcision at age 10 because at that time the child begins ordered prayers. Ibn al-Mundhir said that circumcision at the age of 7 days makruh ruling because it is the Jewish tradition, but there is a history that the Messenger of Allah menghitan Hasan and Husayn, the grandson of him at the age of 7 days, so Abraham is said to circumcise his son Isaac at the age of 7 days.

Tahlilan: To commemorate the day of death. Taken together, assembled relatives, taulan companion, along with the surrounding community, read a few verses of the Qur'an, dhikr-remembrance, and with a certain prayer-prayer to send to the deceased. Because of the reading material contained sentences that are repeated tahlil (hundreds of times even up to a thousand times), then the event is known as the "tahlilan". The event is usually held after the funeral (sometimes done before the burial deceased), then continues each day until the seventh day. Then held back on day 40 and to 100. For the next event is held every year from the day of death of the deceased, although sometimes vary from place to place. The beginning of the event comes from a ceremony of worship (read: salvation) ancestors of Indonesia where the majority Hindu and Buddhist. The ceremony was in honor and pray for those who have renounced the world, held at the time as a tahlilan. But events on the ground tahlilan practically different from other religious procession salvation is by replacing the dhikr-remembrance and prayer-the prayer of other religions-style reading of the Qur'an, or dhikr-remembrance and prayer-do ' a style of Islam according to them.

- Scripture:
Al-Quran and Hadith.

- Accessories, place of worship, Symbol:
Mosque, cap, headscarf, the crescent and star.

Continued to Chatolic Of Religion...

Comparative Of Religion Islam #1 Kompren Example

Examiners: Mr. Safrilsyah

Comparative Of Religion #1 Kompren Example

1. ISLAM. 

Prophet Muhammad:
Sire offspring born from Quraish. Prophet Muhammad had diputerakan in Makkah, on the day Isnin, 12 Rabi. King's mother, Aminah bint Wahab namely, is the daughter to Wahab bin Abdul Manaf of the Zahrah family. His father, Abdullah, was son to Abdul Muttalib. The breed bersusur strains of Prophet Ismail, son to Abraham in about the fortieth descent. His father had died before the birth of the king. While his mother died when the king was about six years old, making it an orphan. According to family tradition boss Mecca, the king has been nurtured by a foster mother (mother's milk:-a woman who nursed the king) called Halimahtus Sa'adiah.

- Doctrine / Theology:
Aspects Aqeedah: 1. Aqeedah (belief), 2. Aqidah is etymologically means bond or plugs. And the terminology means creedo, creed is belief.

Aspects of Sharia: 1. Shariah in origin meaning "road plates", 2. Understanding Shari'ah are often used among the jurists, is: "Laws are created by God for all His servants so that they practice it for the happiness of the afterlife, both laws are related to the actions, Aqeedah and morals". 3. Shariah comes from the revelation of God as outlined in the al-Quran and al-Hadith.

Moral Aspects: 1. psychiatric symptoms that have been pervasive in the soul, from which deeds arise easily, without using prior consideration. When arising therefrom are good deeds, admirable by reason and Personality 'is called good character, otherwise if that may come of it is a bad deed then called bad character. 2. Guided by the Qur'an and al-Hadith. 3. In outline according to two of the divided nature of morality and moral reproach.

To Be Continued...